Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Causes of Teen Pregnancy Essay - 1472 Words

Research shows that teen pregnancy is steadily decreasing. It has dropped more than 44% from 1991 to 2010(Writer); however, in my community it seems to be on the rise. It’s never a surprise to hear someone discussing about a new girl being pregnant. Pregnancy use to be a precious gift, but this generation is turning it into a new trend that they perceive to be as socially acceptable. I was raised to receive an education first, marry the love of my life, and then have children. Some people may call it old fashion, but I believe that is the plan God has for everyone’s life. The bible says, â€Å"Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. (New International†¦show more content†¦Teenagers need to feel love, care, protection, and need guidance from their parents. If this is not provided at home, more than likely, they will seek it out in the wrong places. One example of this could be falling in love with the wrong person. Most parents want their children to wait to be in a real relationship because they know they are not mature enough to handle the stress, pain, and danger that love can cause; however, other parents do not care. Dating at an early age is one contributing factor of teen pregnancy (Contributing Factors). Senior guys usually go after the freshmen girls in high school. They know they’re young and easier to influence. They will convince them that they love them but in reality they only want one thing. Some girls may feel like the only way they will keep their boyfriend is by indulging in sexual activities, but a baby will never make a man stay (Teenage Pregnancy). Teenage girls may believe a baby will help the relationship grow and become stronger, but 8 out of 10 males do not marry the mother of their child (Teenage Pregnancy).So who is stuck raising a child on their own? The girl is. The same way a man got one girl pregnant, he c an go back and get another one the same way; it’s basically a never ending cycle. Other teens just don’t know anything about sex. They may feel like they cannot talk to their parents and this can lead to pregnancy. Sitting down and spending time with your child is one big factor that can preventShow MoreRelatedCauses Of Teen Pregnancy1232 Words   |  5 Pagesbe reported. The United States is no exception to this. They are number one for many issues. Among these is the U.S. has the highest teen pregnancy rates. The causes of teen pregnancy in the United States today include substance abuse; broken homes; changes in society; and poor sexual education. For the most part, substance abuse is a leading cause of teen pregnancy. Those who abuse substances like drugs and alcohol do not have the sharpest minds. 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